"I was first introduced to the Navigators while a cadet at the Air Force Academy. Today as a business owner the Navigator ministry to the business community has been a great encouragement to me personally and is vital to help business people walk out their faith in the workplace."
Randy Reed - Randy Reed Automotive Group -Kansas City, MO
"In the Spring of 1987, my Church hosted a gathering of 200 men. I had never heard of this group before, they were called The Navigators. Through The Navigators, I learned how to start reading my Bible. That day I learned the discipline of reading my Bible and having a personal quiet time everyday. Today reading God’s Word is just as fresh as it was that day 28 years ago."
Bobby Albert - Past CEO and Chairman, Albert Moving and Storage - Wichita Falls, TX
"On a scale of one to ten, I place The Navigators as a 'ten' among para-church ministries today. In my college days, The Navigators taught me the value of a disciplined life. In our Crusades, they developed the unsurpassed follow-up methods we use today. Thank God for The Navigators."
Billy Graham
“So, the birth of Prison Fellowship goes back to that dreary day in prison and The Navigators discipleship series. I really come to life when I get in the prison and I’m with these people that I realize I’m not ashamed to call my brothers. I love them and I’m forever grateful to The Navigators.”
Chuck Colson